FINCHES, BUNTINGS, and SOME SIMILAR BIRDS, 36 species [v18.12, 136 additions]
This is one of 14 galleries into which photos of specific birds may be lodged. In alphabetical order they are: 1-‘Ciconiiformes’ (large waders etc.); 2-‘Corvids, Starlings, Doves, Pigeons’; 3-‘Finches, Buntings, plus’; 4-‘Gulls and Terns’; 5-‘Larks, Thrushes, Woodpeckers’; 6-‘Odds, medium to large’; 7-‘Odds, small to medium’; 8-‘Pipits, Wagtails, Hirundines, Swifts’; 9-‘Raptors including Owls and Vultures’; 10-‘Sea Birds and similar‘; 11-‘Tits, Warblers, and similar’; 12-‘Waders A to R’; 13-‘Waders S to Z’; and 14-‘Wild Life including Swans’. As usual there are a few poor photos that are there for record purposes only. The explanatory text that goes with the Home Page gallery is being be revised accordingly.
Those visitors to the Grenada birds gallery will recall I included two awful photographs of a wonderful bird, the Blue-black Grassquit. And it is here as well, I’m afraid. Unfortunately I haven’t yet had the chance see the ‘bouncing bird’ again. It is a summer breeding resident in Grenada and migrates to South America.
V16.06 ADDITIONS [2]: Both the 2 additions are photos, taken in Somerset, of a Bullfinch.
V16.11 ADDITIONS [7]: Four additional photos of: Common Waxbill (5-8) and three of Black-headed Weaver (08-10).
V17.04 ADDITIONS [5]: Five additional photos of Citril Finches (4-8). A nice bird, particularly in the snow. Photos taken in Arosa, Switzerland, March 2017.
V18.01 ADDITIONS [28]: No new species. The photos are from the Algarve, Arosa, Lake District and our garden in Somerset. They are: three Bullfinch (08-10); five Chaffinch (16-20); two Common Crossbill (4-5); seven Goldfinch (07-13); five Greenfinch (08-12); two Black-headed Weaver (11-12); Reed Bunting (05-07) and a Yellowhammer (06).
V18.12 ADDITIONS [136]: No new species but some substantial increases and adjustments in the follows: Bullfinch (11-42); Reed Bunting (08-23); Chaffinch (21-45); Citril Finch (09-16); Goldfinch (14-16); Greenfinch (13-28); Siskin (07-18); Common Waxbill (9-20); and Black-headed Weaver (13-24).
Brambling 1
Brambling 2
Brambling 3
Bullfinch 01
Bullfinch 02
Bullfinch 03
Bullfinch 04
Bullfinch 05
Bullfinch 06
Bullfinch 07
Bullfinch 08
Bullfinch 09
Bullfinch 10
Bullfinch 11
Bullfinch 12
Bullfinch 13
Bullfinch 14
Bullfinch 15
Bullfinch 16
Bullfinch 17
© David Rayner Photography