RAPTORS, OWLS, VULTURES - 39 species [v18.12, 90 additions]
This is one of 14 galleries into which photos of specific birds may be lodged. In alphabetical order they are: 1-‘Ciconiiformes’ (large waders etc.); 2-‘Corvids, Starlings, Doves, Pigeons’; 3-‘Finches, Buntings, plus’; 4-‘Gulls and Terns’; 5-‘Larks, Thrushes, Woodpeckers’; 6-‘Odds, medium to large’; 7-‘Odds, small to medium’; 8-‘Pipits, Wagtails, Hirundines, Swifts’; 9-‘Raptors including Owls and Vultures’; 10-‘Sea Birds and similar‘; 11-‘Tits, Warblers, and similar’; 12-‘Waders A to R’; 13-‘Waders S to Z’; and 14-‘Wild Life including Swans’. As usual there are a few poor photos that are there for record purposes only. The explanatory text that goes with the Home Page gallery is being be revised accordingly.
V16.02 ADDITIONS. 35 of the 44 additions resulted from a trip to South West Florida (28.12.15 to 15.01.16). There is only one new species but we saw Burrowing Owls at three separate sites where at each they were very helpful to the photographer – and I think that gave rise to their substantial exposure in this gallery. Photos 02 to 10 of the Short-eared Owl were taken in the UK (Papercourt Water Meadows, Surrey) on the evening of 16.02.16. The remaining (Florida) photos were: Eagle, Bald 10; Hawk, Red-shouldered 04-07; Kestrel, American 09; Osprey 16-19; Vulture, American Black 05-06; and Vulture, Turkey 07-09.
V16.03 ADDITIONS. 11 of the 13 additions are down to a review of Owls, Little going back to 2010 and which include the ‘winking’ Owl (photos 15 and 16). The remaining 2 (photos taken near Allerford, West Somerset) are replacements for a very poor photo of an Owl, Barn. Unfortunately in the photos the Owl is seen flying in the wrong direction. Otherwise I feel I could be going (photographically) in the right direction - so far, at least, as the lovely Barn Owl is concerned.
V16.05 ADDITIONS. All 13 additions are photos of the White-tailed Eagle – taken on a trip to the Isle of Mull, Scotland 2015-05.
V16.06 ADDITIONS. 3 photos of Marsh Harrier and 4 Lesser Kestrel – taken on trip to Southern Portugal 2016-06.
V16.09 ADDITIONS. Three photos of a pair of soaring Common Buzzards 15-17; Norton Fitzwarren, Somerset, 2016-08.
V17.01 ADDITIONS. 4 photos of Common Buzzard from house, Norton Fitzwarren, December 2016 and 2 of Peregrine that were missed during Bass Rock trip, 2015-09.
V18.02 ADDITIONS. 5x Common Buzzard (22-26) middle 3 Lake District, other 2 Somerset; 6x Booted Eagle (07-12) Algarve; 2x Common Kestrel (09-10) Somerset; 1x Osprey (20) Lake District; 1x Short-eared Owl (11) Surrey; 2x Sparrowhawk (09-10) Somerset; 8x American Black Vulture (07-14) SW Florida; and 4x Turkey Vulture (09-12) SW Florida. N.B. Much fuller coverage of the Osprey is available in its ‘single species’ gallery.
V18.12 ADDITIONS. 12x Common Buzzard (27-38); 42x Bald Eagle (01-42) – Florida and Western Canada; 30x Osprey (16-45); 6x Turkey Vulture (13-18)
Buzzard, Common 01

Buzzard, Common 02

Buzzard, Common 03

Buzzard, Common 04

Buzzard, Common 05

Buzzard, Common 06

Buzzard, Common 07

Buzzard, Common 08

Buzzard, Common 09

Buzzard, Common 10

Buzzard, Common 11

Buzzard, Common 12

Buzzard, Common 13

Buzzard, Common 14

Buzzard, Common 15

Buzzard, Common 16

Buzzard, Common 17

Buzzard, Common 18

Buzzard, Common 19

Buzzard, Common 20
© David Rayner Photography