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WILD FOWL including SWANS – 46 species [v18.12, 192 additions]
This is one of 14 galleries into which photos of specific birds may be lodged. In alphabetical order they are: 1-‘Ciconiiformes’ (large waders etc.); 2-‘Corvids, Starlings, Doves, Pigeons’; 3-‘Finches, Buntings, plus’; 4-‘Gulls and Terns’; 5-‘Larks, Thrushes, Woodpeckers’; 6-‘Odds, medium to large’; 7-‘Odds, small to medium’; 8-‘Pipits, Wagtails, Hirundines, Swifts’; 9-‘Raptors including Owls and Vultures’; 10-‘Sea Birds and similar‘; 11-‘Tits, Warblers, and similar’; 12-‘Waders A to R’; 13-‘Waders S to Z’; and 14-‘Wild Fowl including Swans’. As usual there are a few poor photos that are there for record purposes only. The explanatory text that goes with the Home Page gallery will be revised accordingly.
V16.03 ADDITIONS: Just 2 photos (taken on trip to SW Florida, early 2016) of a new species, the Red-breasted Merganser.
V16.08 ADDITIONS: No new species. Pochard 5-6 taken on trip to SW Portugal. Goosander 4; Greylag Goose 11-12; Red-breasted Merganser 03-04; and Common Shelduck 4-5 were all taken on trip to Mull. Gadwall 07; Mallard 12; and Pochard 7-8 were all taken on trip to SW Portugal, June 2016.
V16.11 ADDITIONS: A total of 6 additions with photos of 4 species namely: Gadwall (08-09), Mallard (13), Muscovy Duck (4) and Shoveler (6-7). All taken on recent trip to Portugal.
V18.02 ADDITIONS: No new species. 2x Gadwall (10-11); Goldeneye (2); 3x Canada Goose (09-11) Lake District; 3x Egyptian Goose (07-09) Barnes, SW London; 2x Greylag Goose (13-14); 2x Mallard (14-15); 2x Northern Pintail (4-5); 4x Red-crested Pochard (5-8) Algarve; 5x Ruddy Shelduck (3-7) Arosa; Shoveler (8); 4x Mute Swan (08-11) ‘inc. arguing’; 4x Teal (07-10); Blue-winged (3) SW Florida; and Tufted Duck (4).
V18.12 ADDITIONS: No new species but large new additions [192] in many areas. Photos and file numbers are: Eider Duck 3-6; Ferruginous Duck 3-6; Gadwall 11-21; Brent Goose 6-7; Canada Goose 12-25; Egyptian Goose 10-23; Greylag Goose 15-38; Mallard 16-35; Mandarin 01-04; Pintail 6-8; White-tailed Pintail 4-6; Pochard 09-29; Red-crested Pochard 09-34; Ruddy Duck 3; Surf Scoter 3; Common Shelduck 6-9; Ruddy Shelduck 8-9; Shoveler 09-33; Bewick’s Swan 4-6; Black Swan 3; and Wigeon 10-15.
N.B. There are currently seven pull-down galleries for ‘single bird species’ and it is hoped more in will be added in the future (e.g. Mallard). For further details of the website’s structure and help in accessing the galleries please click on the ‘Home Page’ thumbnail.

Duck, Harlequin 1

Duck, Harlequin 1

Duck, Harlequin 2

Duck, Harlequin 2

Eider Duck 1

Eider Duck 1

Eider Duck 2

Eider Duck 2

Eider Duck 3

Eider Duck 3

Eider Duck 4

Eider Duck 4

Eider Duck 5

Eider Duck 5

Eider Duck 6

Eider Duck 6

Ferruginous Duck 1

Ferruginous Duck 1

Ferruginous Duck 2

Ferruginous Duck 2

Ferruginous Duck 3

Ferruginous Duck 3

Ferruginous Duck 4

Ferruginous Duck 4

Ferruginous Duck 5

Ferruginous Duck 5

Ferruginous Duck 6

Ferruginous Duck 6

Gadwall 01

Gadwall 01

Gadwall 02

Gadwall 02

Gadwall 03

Gadwall 03

Gadwall 04

Gadwall 04

Gadwall 05

Gadwall 05

Gadwall 06

Gadwall 06