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DAMSEL/DRAGONFLIES BY SPECIES v17.01, 46 species [4 additions]

The damsel/dragonfly photographs in this gallery were taken mostly the UK but some originate from Portugal and various other parts of the world. Please be aware that not all of my attempts at identification can be guaranteed as accurate.

After the photo title additional information sometimes appears thus [?]. This is for use in my photo management system. With thumbnails, much of this information is obvious but hopefully parts may be of help to some viewers. So, for example: [f/f,] = female; [m/m,] = male; and [j/y/i] = juvenile/young/immature damsel/dragonfly. No additional information = male or sexes similar. Additionally: [o] = old, tired, damaged wings; [t] = teneral (newly emerged). With variant types: A,B,C etc = variant type. Also by colour - b(blue), g(green), r(red), o(orange) w(wings) etc. Thus e.g. [Cf] = female type C, [vb] = blue variant, [vow] = variant orange wings. Most obvious are: [M/M.] = mating; [T] = in tandem, [F/F.] = in flight; [H] = close-up of e.g. head; [C] = catching/eating live food; [O] = ovipositing, egg laying.

UPDATES SINCE v14.04: Meadowhawk, Saffron-winged [m] & [T] Canada; Hawker, Migrant [M] Portugal; Pennant, Four-spotted [f] & [m] Florida USA

V16.07 ADDITIONS: Most of the 27 additions resulted from a bit of house-keeping. However the following new Damsel species were found: Blue-eye; Rambur's Forktail; Scarce Blue-tailed; Small Red; and Western Willow Spreadwing. There were also two new Dragonfly species namely: Orange-spotted Emerald; and Brown Hawker.

V17.01 ADDITIONS: No new species. Darter, Red-veined [T], Emperor, Lesser [M] and Emperor, Lesser [T] are new additions. Hawker, Migrant [F] is improved photo.

.damsel, - teneral [t]

.damsel, - teneral [t]

.damsel, Azure [fvb,T]

.damsel, Azure [fvb,T]

.damsel, Azure [fvg,T]

.damsel, Azure [fvg,T]

.damsel, Azure [f]

.damsel, Azure [f]

.damsel, Azure [m,]

.damsel, Azure [m,]

.damsel, Azure [M]

.damsel, Azure [M]

.damsel, Azure [O]

.damsel, Azure [O]

.damsel, Banded Demoiselle [f]

.damsel, Banded Demoiselle [f]

.damsel, Banded Demoiselle [m]

.damsel, Banded Demoiselle [m]

.damsel, Beautiful Demoiselle [f]

.damsel, Beautiful Demoiselle [f]

.damsel, Beautiful Demoiselle [im]

.damsel, Beautiful Demoiselle [im]

.damsel, Beautiful Demoiselle [m]

.damsel, Beautiful Demoiselle [m]

.damsel, Blue-eye [m]

.damsel, Blue-eye [m]

.damsel, Blue-tailed [f]

.damsel, Blue-tailed [f]

.damsel, Blue-tailed [if]

.damsel, Blue-tailed [if]

.damsel, Blue-tailed [m,]

.damsel, Blue-tailed [m,]

.damsel, Blue-tailed [M]

.damsel, Blue-tailed [M]

.damsel, Common Blue [if]

.damsel, Common Blue [if]

.damsel, Common Blue [im]

.damsel, Common Blue [im]

.damsel, Common Blue [m,]

.damsel, Common Blue [m,]