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BIRDS, PORTRAITS, web 328 - [v18.02, 16 photos added]
Photos in this gallery are of what could loosely be called ‘head and shoulders’. Collectively to call them ‘portraits’ seems a bit unfair on the birds but an alternative group name did not reveal itself. The intention in presenting them in this way was to try to capture something of the character of the birds in question – whether real or imagined.
Needless to say it is not always possible to get close enough to birds to take photos that do not require significant cropping. Also, to begin with this was largely a ‘looking back’ exercise where many of the photographs specifically were not taken for the purpose for which they have been used. So, despite problems of quality etc. it is hoped that the images and theme are of interest. More recently I have also allowed in a few birds in flight, mostly because I was beginning think that I was never going to going to photograph them on the ground.
PHOTOS ADDED [29] in v16.02 are of new species; existing species of a different gender or age; and replacements for poorer images. Additions since March 2015 are: Cowbird, Shiny; Gull, Herring [j]; Ibis, White [i]; Ibis, White; Limpkin; Rail, Water; Swallow, Red-rumped; Swamphen, Purple [i]; Wagtail, Grey. Florida, 2016 additions are: Anhinga [m]; Dowitcher, Short-billed; Egret, Reddish; Egret, Snowy; Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray; Hawk, Red-shouldered [j]; Heron, Great White; Heron, Night (Black-crowned); Knot, Red; Mockingbird, Northern; Owl, Burrowing; Plover, Black-bellied; Plover, Piping; Plover, Snowy; Plover, Wilson's; Sanderling; Sandpiper, Least; Shrike, Loggerhead; Spoonbill, Roseate; Warbler, Palm.
PHOTOS ADDED [4] in v16.05 are of the Hooded Crow, the House Martin, the Oystercatcher and a female Sardinian Warbler.
PHOTOS ADDED [4] in v16.06 are of a female Kentish Plover [f], a Roller and a juvenile [j] (advanced) Cattle Egret. Also added is an old photo of a Cattle Egret in summer [s] plumage – highlight the difference that and a Cattle Egret in breeding plumage [b] already on show.
PHOTOS ADDED [4] in v16.11 are of Bald Eagle [f] (old discovery), Golden Plover, Common Sandpiper and Common Waxbill the latter three taken in the Algarve, Portugal.
PHOTOS ADDED [16] in v18.02 are mainly the result of ‘searches’ in old galleries and folders. They are: Bittern, Little [j]; Bunting, Reed [pm] and [wm]; Chiffchaff, Iberian; Citril Finch; Dipper; Goldfinch [j] and adult; Greenfinch [m]; Hawk, Red-tailed; Heron, Black-crowned Night [i]; Jackdaw; Lark, Crested; Pratincole, Collared; Snipe; and Thrush, Spectacled.
Time permitting, I am considering a further one or two similar block additions.

Accentor, Alpine

Accentor, Alpine

Anhinga [f]

Anhinga [f]

Anhinga [m]

Anhinga [m]

Ani, Smooth-billed

Ani, Smooth-billed



Bananaquit (St V race)

Bananaquit (St V race)





Bittern, Little [f]

Bittern, Little [f]

Bittern, Little [j]

Bittern, Little [j]

Bittern, Little

Bittern, Little



Blackbird [f]

Blackbird [f]

Blackbird [j]

Blackbird [j]





Bulbul, Red-whiskered

Bulbul, Red-whiskered

Bullfinch [f]

Bullfinch [f]

Bullfinch, Lesser Antillean

Bullfinch, Lesser Antillean

