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SEA BIRDS and SIMILAR – 25 species [v18.12, 93 additions]
This is one of 14 galleries into which photos of specific birds may be lodged. In alphabetical order they are: 1-‘Ciconiiformes’ (large waders etc.); 2-‘Corvids, Starlings, Doves, Pigeons’; 3-‘Finches, Buntings, plus’; 4-‘Gulls and Terns’; 5-‘Larks, Thrushes, Woodpeckers’; 6-‘Odds, medium to large’; 7-‘Odds, small to medium’; 8-‘Pipits, Wagtails, Hirundines, Swifts’; 9-‘Raptors including Owls and Vultures’; 10-‘Sea Birds and similar‘; 11-‘Tits, Warblers, and similar’; 12-‘Waders A to R’; 13-‘Waders S to Z’; and 14-‘Wild Life including Swans’. As usual there are a few poor photos that are there for record purposes only. The explanatory text that goes with the Home Page gallery is being be revised accordingly.
V16.05 ADDITIONS: All of the 23 additions resulted from a trip to the Isle of Mull and surrounding islands. New species were the Fulmar and Black Guillemot as well as a variant, the Bridled Guillemot. There were also extra photos of the Diver (Loon), Great Northern (05-07); Guillemot (08-09); the Puffin (07-10); the Razorbill (5-7); and the Shag (11-12).
V16.06 ADDITIONS: 3 photos of American White Pelicans taken in Canada replaced by 5 better quality photos taken in January 2016 in S W Florida.
V16.11 ADDITIONS: Photo of Little Grebe (8) taken of recent trip to Portugal.
V18.02 ADDITIONS: No new species. Photos as follows. 3x Cormorant (14-16) Barnes and Algarve; 7x Great Crested Grebe (13-19) Algarve; 3x Little Grebe (09-11) Barnes and Algarve; and 4x Black Skimmer (10-13) SW Florida.
V18.12 ADDITIONS: No new species. Following photos with file numbers as appropriate: Gannet (12-25); Great Crested Grebe (20-21); Little Grebe (12-13); Guillemot [Murre] (11-14); American White Pelican (07-09); Brown Pelican (13-24); Puffin (11-57); and Black Skimmer (14-16). The very large Puffin numbers are the result of a trip to Staffa. The island is uninhabited but forms a substantial breeding area. It is to the West of the much bigger Mull.

Auklet, Rhinoceros 1

Auklet, Rhinoceros 1

Auklet, Rhinoceros 2

Auklet, Rhinoceros 2

Booby, Brown 1

Booby, Brown 1

Booby, Brown 2

Booby, Brown 2

Booby, Brown 3

Booby, Brown 3

Cormorant 01

Cormorant 01

Cormorant 02

Cormorant 02

Cormorant 03

Cormorant 03

Cormorant 04

Cormorant 04

Cormorant 05

Cormorant 05

Cormorant 06

Cormorant 06

Cormorant 07

Cormorant 07

Cormorant 08

Cormorant 08

Cormorant 09

Cormorant 09

Cormorant 10

Cormorant 10

Cormorant 11

Cormorant 11

Cormorant 12

Cormorant 12

Cormorant 13

Cormorant 13

Cormorant 14

Cormorant 14

Cormorant 15

Cormorant 15